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Planning application submitted

27 October 2020

Populo was forced to pause work on the Hartley Centre project at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in recent weeks, the project team has been working hard to finish plans.

Recently, we submitted a planning application to Newham Council, which seeks permission to build a new health centre with space for two GP surgeries and ‘later living’ homes on the former Hartley Centre site. All of the 84 new homes will be let at genuinely affordable ‘London Affordable Rent’ levels. All the homes are designed to meet the needs and aspirations of older residents and will only be eligible for those aged over 55. This should help members of the community who want to downsize and free up family-sized homes across the Borough for families on Newham Council’s housing waiting list.

What has changed since the consultation event?

Thank you for all the feedback we received at our public drop-in consultation event in November 2019 and subsequently. As a result of feedback from planning officers and the local community, the team have made several changes to the plans, including:

Where can I view the submitted plans and submit comments?

The planning application is available to view on Newham Council’s website:

Here, you can search for our planning application by entering the reference number "20/02264/FUL".

You can submit comments as part of the Council's statutory consultation process. Your views will be taken into consideration by planning officers as part of the consultation process.