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Site history

The occupier of the former Hartley Centre ended their lease in 2015. When it was returned to the Council, the building was found to be in very poor condition. The cost of repairing the building was high, and the decision was taken to demolish the building and bring forward new plans which would meet the needs of local residents.

The site is now vacant, and has become untidy and overgrown.

Planning context

All councils are required to prepare local plans to set out their vision for development in the future. This involves choosing places where development would be suitable.

The former Hartley Centre site is identified as a strategic site within the “East Ham Western Gateway”, which forms part of Newham Council’s adopted local plan. The allocation suggests that a mixed-use development would be the most appropriate type of development for this site.

This means that the site has been selected as a good place to build new homes, combined with space for a community use.

The Council’s local plan also identifies other sites in the area which it thinks are suitable for development.

Whilst the site is allocated in the local plan, we still have to submit further details to the Council as part of a planning application. A full planning application was submitted in October 2020. There's still time for you to have your say. Please visit the latest news page for more information by clicking here.